Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17th:

Christmas is coming right around the corner, its going to be here before we know it. I plan on making this winter the bet yet with gathering around bonfire, cuddling, hot coco nights outside on the phone sitting on the edge of our waterfall leading from our hot tub into our now heated pool, going to look at christmas lights,  watching christmas movies, and most of all getting that spirit of the season and rejoicing my lord for him giving up his life to save all of ours. With it being christmas that mean I need to start figuring out my complete list to ask for, so far its an i-pad in white, dslr cannon rebel, $$$$$, and lots of makeup like shown above. I have alot more to add, just currently braintorming.
xoxo- k

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Make up Haul!

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. : Proverbs 22:6

Im so thankful to have been put in private school majority of my school years. It taught me so much, I still to this day think back of what I learned who I was and wanted to be when I got older. It set me going on the right path in life, I can have fun but I never forget how I was raised and what I live for. I stick to my morals and couldn't have been prouder to have gone to an exclusive christian private school for 8 years. It was the best time of my life, I miss it so much but I would never be able to leave my high school as much as I hate it I love it to death.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I miss being happy. I miss the thrill. I miss knowing I looked good. I miss being confident. I miss being fearless.
I wish I was pretty inside and out. I wish we were still friends but you weren't the way you are now. I wish you thought of me cool and gorgeous not annoying, prude, weird, and boring. I wish I had more friends. I wish I was part of that group and not awkward. I wish people left my name out of their drama. I wish my mom would stop being such a bitch and hurtful to me and that she wins her case. I wish she gets help. I wish it doesn't scar me like I think it is. I wish I was smarter. I wish I was skinnier. I wish I was popular. I wish I wasnt awkward.  I wish I thought more of myself. I wish I wasnt so embarassing. I wish I was perfect.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9th:

School is stressing me out so bad, im borderline for failing 3 classes. NEVER AGAIN am I slacking off like I did this year, I need to get my grades up. I want to have all b's and a's next six weeks. Between drama and M im just annoyed beyond belief. I dont know what I want, I just want to cuddle up and cry next to you and listen to you comfort me like you always do.. but your an asswhole just like your friends. . I hope you really aren't though. You never have been to me, i appreciate that so much but the way you are to others makes me wonder. I lost alot of respect for you after that one night it makes me wonder what you really want, me or the p. hmm. I am gonna brainstorm and use my blair waldorf plans again and get everything back on track.

Monday, November 7, 2011


One trend im really starting to get into is scarves. I live in the bipolar state of texas, it is 80 one day then 40 the next which is VERY cold for us texans hehe. It never snows but it always feels like it is about to so we all bundle up all of our little hoodies and sweaters. This season i've noticed alot of people wearing scarves so I wanted to try it, i've seen alot of pictures on tumblr and scarves can really dress up a boring outfit. I got this really pretty thing grey faded cheetah print scarf (similar to the picture above) on friday from Shasa. It isnt my favorite store in the world but they have cute accessories for cheap, it was only $5.80. I'll take a picture in it soon and post it for yall to see. I plan to buy a few more including a Burberry. 

Picture: found on we heart w/ Hilary Duff