Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I love blogging but I feel like I have to do what others do to find out who I am but in the end I am just left confused. I keep thinking I cant have a successful blog without an expensive camera. (Which I really really am trying to convince my parents to buy for me for christmas and I'll save up my report card money so it's less hehe)     I look up to so many great blogs, I wish to be just like them and as successful in life as them. The first way in finding myself is my room. Its not how I like it, its how my friends wanted it. I loved tiffany blue for awhile but was it me or my friends? I've lately noticed how much pink I have and how much I miss it. Also this green carpet (it was in style in the 2000's when we built our house it matched the curtains,etc.) which is horribly ugly I must say. I would love to get wood like we have downstairs. Its so pretty, but the parents plan to move when I graduate in 3 years. I want to be that confindent, classy, exciting girl I miss being. This summer has got the best of me but after tonight I am back <3

Here is just a funny story i'd thought is worth sharing:
So I really dont like when my mom washes my shirts it shrinks them,etc. So I have been doing just my basic clothes (bra's, undies, tee-shirts, soffees, etc.) often and I decided to do a bit last night. So I have my mom come set the dial because I always get confused where to turn it and she did then I pulled it to start the water. Well story short I did the laundry then today I went downstairs to get my bucket of clothes that my mom dried then folded for me, I smelt my victoria secret blue tee shirt then realized why doesn't it smell like lovely daisys? I FORGOT TO PUT THE LAUNDRY DETERGENT IN ]: wah. I was so sad, my mom was like Katelyn Marie I folded all of that for nothing! hah. I already feel so happy blogging on this site. Tumblr was such a different feeling, I could get use to this <3 xoxo-K

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