Saturday, July 30, 2011

Home from the trip.

Such a good week with my bestfriend it was very eventful i must say. Hahah. 
I had $100 left over her dad would not take my money so that plus the money im making from helping my mom with her school work and filing that is $200 total and then i plan selling my camera for $200 so that gets me to $400 still not enough. I want my slr camera so bad ]: I just hope im making the right decision to do so rather than going shopping and decorating my room with the money.
this post is just going to be what type of camera im thinking of getting and where.
For some reason I personally don't like the canon rebel, not sure why I just have not been a fan on what i've seen. But if I got the canon it would have to be this one : 
EOS Rebel XS 18-55IS Kit which is $549  10.1 mega pixels
or the Canon EOS Rebel T3 12.2 MP which is around $549 but every one has the rebel.

Nikon: Nikon D3000 Black 10.2MP $449 at walmart

Sony DSLRA390L α390 $499 14 mp

stores: houston camera exchange , ritz,

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