Saturday, July 30, 2011

Home from the trip.

Such a good week with my bestfriend it was very eventful i must say. Hahah. 
I had $100 left over her dad would not take my money so that plus the money im making from helping my mom with her school work and filing that is $200 total and then i plan selling my camera for $200 so that gets me to $400 still not enough. I want my slr camera so bad ]: I just hope im making the right decision to do so rather than going shopping and decorating my room with the money.
this post is just going to be what type of camera im thinking of getting and where.
For some reason I personally don't like the canon rebel, not sure why I just have not been a fan on what i've seen. But if I got the canon it would have to be this one : 
EOS Rebel XS 18-55IS Kit which is $549  10.1 mega pixels
or the Canon EOS Rebel T3 12.2 MP which is around $549 but every one has the rebel.

Nikon: Nikon D3000 Black 10.2MP $449 at walmart

Sony DSLRA390L α390 $499 14 mp

stores: houston camera exchange , ritz,

Monday, July 18, 2011

If it is to be, it is up to me.

I just want to model be someone inspiring, help others do what I want.
well it is 4am here in Texas, i have been on tumblr all night tumbling away on my school blog where my bestfriend and all my friends follow. Well im starting to get super tired, xoxo<3

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I left for Jamaica for a week then as soon as I got home my bestfriend left for Kentucky to visit family for a little over a week, but after 2 weeks reunited with my partner in crime ya ya <3 Spent the day laying in the pool on the float drinking strawberry daiquiri. yum<3 Well  I have 3 driving lessons left until I am done with drivers ed, my 5th is tomorrow around 1. I'm so happy im almost done, I hate  driving school. Then in 6 months when I turn 16 I take the final test and get my license! I can't wait til I can drive, I hope I get my land rover but if I did it'd be used so I probably will just end up getting a new Jeep or some other type of small suv. I wish I lived somewhere tropical with a nice people and not people like there are in spring. hah not gonna happen but hopefully i'll be able to go to ucla or hpu for college if they decide to pay out of state which they wont.. well might as well make the best of texas. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

99 Problems.

Im sitting here in the dark looking at my tumblr and scrolling through my dash. I am not pleased with myself right now, at all. I've become lazy, unhealthy, impatient, and just not myself. Starting tomorrow I am waking up at 8:45 doing the friday workout for then I will start cleaning and figure out how to work tools to take the top off of my headboard to make my bed a day bed :b Later that day shopping time with my mom, I plan to get a few baskets and boxes for items in my room.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I saw this picture on tumblr. I would love to try an O.P.I. Nail Polish soon. I always hear how great they are but I dont understand what makes them so special? 
A photo from the other day. Pool day with my bestfriends, we've had problems but these are the girls who I have cheered with for years. The blonde on the right is Alex she is moving next week over an hour away and leaving me and Anissa (the girl in the middle below) alone at cheer. ]:


I love blogging but I feel like I have to do what others do to find out who I am but in the end I am just left confused. I keep thinking I cant have a successful blog without an expensive camera. (Which I really really am trying to convince my parents to buy for me for christmas and I'll save up my report card money so it's less hehe)     I look up to so many great blogs, I wish to be just like them and as successful in life as them. The first way in finding myself is my room. Its not how I like it, its how my friends wanted it. I loved tiffany blue for awhile but was it me or my friends? I've lately noticed how much pink I have and how much I miss it. Also this green carpet (it was in style in the 2000's when we built our house it matched the curtains,etc.) which is horribly ugly I must say. I would love to get wood like we have downstairs. Its so pretty, but the parents plan to move when I graduate in 3 years. I want to be that confindent, classy, exciting girl I miss being. This summer has got the best of me but after tonight I am back <3

Here is just a funny story i'd thought is worth sharing:
So I really dont like when my mom washes my shirts it shrinks them,etc. So I have been doing just my basic clothes (bra's, undies, tee-shirts, soffees, etc.) often and I decided to do a bit last night. So I have my mom come set the dial because I always get confused where to turn it and she did then I pulled it to start the water. Well story short I did the laundry then today I went downstairs to get my bucket of clothes that my mom dried then folded for me, I smelt my victoria secret blue tee shirt then realized why doesn't it smell like lovely daisys? I FORGOT TO PUT THE LAUNDRY DETERGENT IN ]: wah. I was so sad, my mom was like Katelyn Marie I folded all of that for nothing! hah. I already feel so happy blogging on this site. Tumblr was such a different feeling, I could get use to this <3 xoxo-K