Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sweet Sixteen Party!

One of my friends had  her sweet sixteen at her dads night club downtown, we don't really talk to that group very much so we were allowed to bring our friends! :] Definitely an interesting night, being bored at her party we left and had our own after party at one of the girls house I came with since her brother was already having something anyways! Here are some pictures from that night: before, during, after but very few from after. hehe

OOTD and New items!


Christmas 11'

Here is just some pictures from Christmas day! We got all of the family on my moms side together and had family time even if it was only for 2 hours we still had fun, my grandpa just got out of the hospital and he ran out of oxygen so my dad had to leave and drive them home. Definitely a fun time though, all 14 of us about to 15 :] my cousins baby is due any day now, the last picture is Rilee (3) she is about to be a big sister!

New Camera:

I finally got my Cannon Rebel! After years of wanting I guess my parents finally decided its something I really do want and after opening all of our presents on Christmas Eve night like tradition they told us our big $$$ presents Santa might be bringing and by 12:30 am Santa had them under the tree! So exciting, here are a few of the first pictures I took that night. I couldn't wait to start shooting on it.